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Gourmet Swiss Roll



3 eggs 

125g caster sugar

125g self-raising flour

1 tbsp warm water

25g Coca Powder Ingredients


Italian Meringue Butter Cream

3 egg whites

200 g caster sugar

75ml bottled water

300g softened unsalted butter

Icing Sugar until it thickens



  1. Preheat oven to 200°C,356°F or Gas mark 6

  2. Grease and line a swiss roll tin using butter and parchment paper (AKA Grease proof paper)

  3. Using a stand or hand mixer beat the eggs and sugar together for 10 minuets.

  4. Next sift the flour and the coca powder then incorporate using a metal spoon and a cutting motion.

  5. Put your mixture into the swiss roll tin, level then bake for 8 minuets

  6. While the sponge is baking coat a sheet of parchment paper well with castor sugar

  7. Next, flip out your sponge onto the sheet of parchment paper then remove the paper stuck to the bottom of the sponge

  8. Roll the sponge then leave in the fridge to completely cool

  9. Once you have made your filling (See page 4) unroll the sponge, fill it then roll it back up without the parchment paper.

  10. Chop off the ends, garnish then serve. 

  11. Using a stand mixer (or a hand mixer if you have someone else to help you) whisk the egg whites to soft peaks

  12. Add the sugar and the water to a small pot, move the pot to combine the two then simmer for about 5 mins or until it thickens.

  13.  Turn the mixer speed up to max then slowly add the sugar syrup.

  14. Once the mixture reaches stiff peaks allow the mixture to cool for about 5 to 10 mins.

  15. Once the mixture has cooled add in the softened butter a little at a time.

  16. Add icing sugar until it thickens.

  17. Fill the Swiss Roll  

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